Annex Department
Admission criteria
Admission is open to anyone with infectious condition e.g Typhoid , PTB, Measles regardless of gender creed and race.
- Isolation of patients e.g PTB
- Use of protective clothing
- Colour coding of maps e.g red meaning high infections and green meaning less infections
TB unite
Filling in notification forms and TB OPD card
Giving health education to all TB patients on nutrition, infection control and taking drugs (dots)
Educate clients on sputum examination
Weekly TB Reviews
- Record all patients attending TB clinic
- Asses and screen patients for X ray
- Assess patients for the doctor
- Communicate with Chitungwiza Town Council TB Co-coordinator
Data Compilation
- Compile monthly (statistics) reports
- Compile reports quarterly
- Compile annual reports
- Follow up sputum results and notification forms
Liaise with other departments for smooth management of TB (Medical Wards,OPD, Casuality and Health Information services -records